Institute of Cancer Research - iProgress

Terms and Conditions

iProgress is the Institute of Cancer Research’s implementation of the University of Manchester’s progression management software product known as ProgressPlatform.

Except where indicated otherwise all copyright and other rights that subsist in the home page and in the sub-domain pages of the and its aliases ("the Site") are owned by either (i) The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital ("The Institute") of 123 Old Brompton Rd London SW7 3RP or (ii) The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL.

Use of the Site is subject to the following terms and conditions of use:

  • Students, staff and other users with an ICR login: The Usage of IT systems agreement which permits you to use the ICR’s information systems
  • All users (including students, staff and any other users with an ICR login): The ICR web-site terms and conditions of use for shall also be applicable for this sub-domain.

Please contact ICR Registry using a ‘Comments and suggestions’ link if you have any concerns or questions.